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My friends, I am once again captivated -enthralled, even- by Apple's ability to continuously simplify things. I mean, have you seen App Clips?

*Gestures a chef's kiss*

This neat little add-on can help app creators overcome one of their biggest hurdles: getting people to download your thing. The ongoing trend of instant gratification isn't showing any signs of stopping. In other words, being redirected to the App Store, having to sign in to download the thing and needing to confirm another thing get the thing on your phone... That's too much friction for most of us, let's be honest.

App Clips can take that pain away entirely by letting users dive into the experience immediately. Or (and this the second most impactful feature) let users complete a single task in a matter of seconds. Because obviously Apple Pay and Apple ID are integrated with App Clips as well, opening up a ton of opportunities for véry streamlined onboarding and payments.

There's also delayed notifications, location verification, and support for multiple App Clip experiences. Sheesh.

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