Working hard together with Red Cross
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One week, one mission

You’d be surprised at how much can be accomplished with two small teams in just a single week. We’ve streamlined and time-boxed the discovery and strategy phases digital product development cycles down to the minute, allowing us to quickly design and validate core features of a digital product or service. That sure is a mouthful, so we made a fun video to explain the process instead, check it out!
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Map, Focus & Ideate

We like to start at the end by agreeing to a long-term goal. We'll create a map of the challenge by asking field experts to share what they know. When arriving at the end of the morning, we will be ready to pick an ambitious but manageable piece of the problem that we will solve within the week.

Select & Storyboard

We'll start Tuesday with a stack of solutions. By critiquing and filtering solutions, we ease the path towards the best chance of achieving our business objectives. With the remaining solutions we create a storyboard in which we will line out a step-by-step plan of what our solution is going to look like.

Design, Build & Prototype

“Fake it till you make it” is exactly what we will be doing on Wednesday. Using our storyboard from Tuesday, we will start building a realistic prototype that focuses on the customer facing product. By finishing this façade, we ready ourselves within the day to start testing our clients insights on Thursday.

User Testing & Final Feedback

Monday morning gave us a duet of two elements: a big challenge and an excellent team. Today is Thursday and here we are: promising solutions that were built into a realistic prototype. We’ll take you one step further by interviewing real life customers to learn from their reactions as they test our prototype. Thursday evening will then bring us to knowing exactly where to go next to end up launching this product.

Ook jij kan helpen!

Door te storten aan het Rode Kruis, kunnen zij meer inzetten op het opzetten en geven van EHBO-cursussen, het beschikbaar maken van EHBO-kits, en kunnen zij meer focussen op bedrijfseersthulp en verdere ontwikkeling en ondersteuning van de applicatie!
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Not only do we love getting shit done quick, we also love teaching others to do the same. Leave your contact details in the form below and one of our sprint facilitators will be more than happy to help you out!