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The digital transformation of healthcare as an industry has been lagging behind, and here are a few reasons why:

- Achieving legal compliance is a long and uphill battle.
- Legacy systems are cumbersome to replace.
- Complex funding systems slow down everything.

That's a lot of extra bottlenecks, but that doesn't mean digital innovation is impossible in healthcare, far from it.

Our recipe for success is not spending years developing a product we're unsure of.

It's making the smallest, functional version of that product, as fast as possible, and then periodically iterate and expand.

This is what's called an MVP, or a Minimum Viable Product. It allows you to do a couple things:

- Drastically reduce your development cycle times.
- Iterate more often, in rapid succession.
- You learn what works and what doesn't a lot sooner.
- Gradually fund the project based on reached milestones.

This cycle can be repeated endlessly to keep improving your digital product or service over time.

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